Life Lessons

The Beginning

Jul 1, 2024

Pink Flower
Pink Flower
Pink Flower

Lesson of the day

When a higher power has bigger plans for you it gives you struggle so you can evolve and become the man it needs you to be to get there.

7 min. read

7 min. read

7 min. read

Don't think too much. Don't overplan.
Get to work and find your profession.

These were the words my father always told me when I approached him with an idea. To give this some context and backing, I've always been a creative mind, one that can't be handled easily, as I often had to jump from one thing to another due to getting bored quickly.

So, what's my superpower or luck? Nothing.
Each one reading this has the same potential as a young person.

See the signs.
You think a lot.
You're ambitious.
You work out.
You're self-taught.
You sleep late.
You don’t fit in with people your age.
You find school boring.
You’re never satisfied.
You're great at socializing but enjoy being alone.

Nothing works the first time.
Rock bottom is the best form of therapy.

Most of the time, we'll try a lot, and when it doesn't work, we take the advice and jump onto the next boat. Trial and error is only a focus of strength and determination.

How to Start.
Finding Your Profession

In this course, and mainly with this newsletter, we'll break down three models and focus on them, all doable online: Design, Development, and Marketing.
These are the three holy pieces of the trinity of success. With these skills, you'll be able to adapt to every market, including crypto, fashion, e-commerce, and everything related to these models.

The good thing is these skills cost nothing to perform; they can be done anywhere, and the only missing part is you. I'll show you how to get started, learn a skill, perform it, and then grow your own project into a minimum 5-figure income (+$10,000/month) source from a beginner level. Lock in.